Saturday, January 28, 2012

The European Union has the largest economy in the world

Sahit Muja: Gold, Euro 
  The European Union has the largest economy in the world

The European Union (EU) is one of the United States' strongest strategic partners, with the importance of the relationship reflected in our close cooperation on regional crises and conflicts, our extensive collaboration on a wide range of global challenges, from counter-terrorism to nonproliferation, and our deep trade and investment relations.
In 2004, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia joined the EU, bringing total membership to 25. Romania and Bulgaria became members in January 2007, which brought the EU's membership total to 27 countries.

The List of European Countries

Austria (2011-12-09)
Belgium (2011-11-18)
Bulgaria (2011-11-28)
Cyprus (2011-10-31)
Czech Republic (2011-08-19)
Denmark (2011-11-02)
Estonia (2011-06-21)
Finland (2011-06-22)
France (2011-05-27)
Germany (2011-07-01)
Greece (2011-12-09)
Hungary (2011-05-19)
Ireland (2011-11-16)
Italy (2011-05-12)
Latvia (2011-11-18)
Lithuania (2011-11-18)
Luxembourg (2011-09-08)
Malta (2011-08-24)
Netherlands, The (2011-08-09)
Poland (2011-08-30)
Portugal (2012-01-04)
Romania (2011-10-31)
Slovakia (2011-08-24)
Slovenia (2011-12-09)
Spain (2012-01-05)
Sweden (2011-07-19)
United Kingdom (2011-07-19)
How the EU works

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